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Advisory- Please consult a vet before administering any of the medicines listed below.

These are indicative measures and should not be given to an animal without consulting a vet first.



Healing and care-


For mange –



Mange in animals can be caused by one of two different mites: Sarcoptic or Demodectic. 

Sarcoptic mange mites can be spread to other animals and to people, while Demodectic mange mites cannot. Both types of mange cause hair loss and itching. 

For maintaining the health of your dog, the foremost proponent is a healthy diet. Home made fresh food is an essential requisite to a dogs optimum health and well being.

Mange generally occurs in dogs either when their immunity is low and hence the mites have taken over or through transference from another dog.


Some dogs also get mange sometimes post a round of  heavy antibiotics.

These antibiotics take away the necessary good bacteria in the gut.

It is essential to restore this balance.

Most medicines deal with the symptoms and not necessarily the root cause of the problem.

It’s essential for you to determine whether your dog could have allergies to milk and dairy products, chicken etc


Aloe vera juice is an excellent way of healing the gut and sorting out bowel movement , mix it in the dogs food for a week.


Unpasterized  Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV ) –I am partial to the Brand Braggs which is imported from America and found at departmental stores and even some hospitals  here in Delhi but you could also use one made by HPMC , this is available at Himachal Bhavan.

Naturalist Mrs Christine Agro in New York introduced me to the wonderful healing properties of ACV. If you would like to learn more about Natural healing modalities you can visit her website.


This is another great way to restore the natural PH balance of the body, it kills mites/fleas /ticks residing in/on the body (it can be mixed with water and sprayed on or ingested in food/water, it acts as a probiotic, it’s great for arthiritis and any inflammation.

 It doesn’t allow a conducive environment for yeast /fleas/ticks /mites to flourish or grow in the body.

It should not be put in a steele bowl as the vinegar will react with it.

It’s quite strong in flavour so when feeding it you can mix a teaspoon in a bowl of water and have your animal drink it or mix it in its food with a little bit of fresh apple sauce or honey to mask the smell/taste.

 Neomec tablets –these are available at vet clinics and at some selected pet stores. It is a very strong medicine and should be treated as such when administering to a dog.

 There are mixed views on giving it to a puppy that has mange, with some vets pro and some against it.

I have given a very miniscule amount to a puppy and it has become better but I would not do so now since there are more gentler solutions.

I have come upon many natural remedies as listed above that would do the job so for a puppy and even an adult dog I would rather use these,unless it is a stray dog and it is more easier to just give  a pill.


For fully grown dogs the dosage varies depending on the weight.

In my experience, it is also essential to accompany neomec capsules with an omega 3 tablet or Vitamin E.

If the dog also has scabs and wounds an antibiotic like sporidex /augmentin is also important.

When giving an antibiotic for dogs as well as humans it is essential to have b complex/ nutralin B as well.







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